“I lost all my past. I lost all expectations and hopes for the future. But what I was given was the present moment. And the present moment is always a perfect moment.”
One of the primary forces in our life is the fact that everything is in constant flux, always evolving, changing and, ultimately ending. We often think of the big end, our death or physical departure from this tangible but throughout life, throughout our every day are numerous little deaths, endings that trigger new beginnings.
In Season 3 of AWAKEN, we take foundational elements of the human condition—Birth, Learning, Emotion, Aspiration, Morality, Conflict, Death, and Afterlife to explore the role impermanence plays in these and the ways that can teach us to be more present with what is. We speak with poets, artists, activists, writers, Buddhist teachers, and scientists, all of whom shared stories and insights of moments of profound transition in their lives. Hosted by singer and songwriter, Falu.
—Concept Development
—Creative Direction
—Post Production
—Distribution Strategy
Selected Press/Awards